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What is a GPR Scan & How Do You Prepare for One?

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Are you not sure how to prepare for your ground penetrating radar scan? Do you want to know a little bit more about how GPR scans work? If you have an upcoming GPR scan or just want a basic procedural outline, this article is for you.  

Dalinghaus Construction Inc. has been in the foundation repair industry since 2015. We hold over 100 years of combined foundation repair experience. We understand the importance of GPR scans for slab on grade foundation underpinning.

This article covers the definition of a GPR scan and how to prepare for one. By the end of this article, you will know how long GPR scans usually take and why they’re imperative for a safe foundation repair.

What is a GPR Scan? 

A GPR scan (ground penetrating radar scan) is a geophysical mapping procedure that utilizes radio waves to examine and portray what’s beneath the ground’s surface, like a portable x-ray machine. The data from the scan is transferred to a laptop or iPad to be deciphered by the specialist, who can then create an accurate blueprint of what’s beneath your slab foundation.     

GPR scans are used to locate:

  •   Gas lines  
  •   Waterlines
  •   Electric lines
  •   Post-tensioned cables

It’s imperative to locate obstacles that may obstruct the foundation repair project, particularly for polyurethane injection and/or interior pier installation. GPR scans are the perfect tool to penetrate through concrete and into the shallow subsoil below.

The GPR scanner sits on a set of wheels (very similar to a hand-push mower) and is pushed across the affected area while it scans. GPR scans usually take 2-3 hours (depending on the scope of the scanned area).  

For Dalinghaus Construction Inc., GPR scans usually take place 1 week before the shovels hit dirt. 

How to Prep for a GPR Scan

The GPR scan can take place anywhere between 1 week to immediately prior to your foundation repair, so it’s important to be prepared to ensure our production timeline stays on schedule.

The first step in prepping for your ground penetrating radar scan is to study your Dalinghaus repair plan and remind yourself of the affected areas. Only the affected areas of your home need to be scanned. These work zone areas are marked yellow on your to-scale CAD drawing in your repair plan.

After you have determined what rooms of your home will be scanned, it is necessary to remove all the furniture, dog beds, or children’s toys so there is a clear space. Moving furniture may require a bit of muscle, so please ask for help from a neighbor or friend.

Note – currently, Dalinghaus Construction Inc. utilizes out-of-house GPR scans. Be sure to have clear communication with your foundation repair specialist about when your scan is to ensure the space is ready and that you’re available.

 In short, clear the area and make room on your calendar for the scan.

Are you Ready for Your First Day of Foundation Repair?

 In this article, you learned what a GPR scan is, what they’re looking for, and how long they typically take. You also learned that it’s imperative to clear out the scannable area and have your GPR scan date highlighted in your calendar.

Dalinghaus Construction Inc. believes in crystal clear communication and works hard to outline the entire foundation repair process so there are no surprises. We believe educated customers make the best decisions.       

Now that you know how to prep for your GPR scan, are you ready for day one of your foundation repair project? To learn more about how to prepare for the first day of the journey of reclaiming your home, read our article What to Expect on the First Day of Foundation Repair (And Other Dalinghaus Projects).


Brian Dalinghaus

Brian is one of the Co-Founders of Dalinghaus Construction. He has been in the foundation repair industry since 2005. During his career, he has been associated with helping over 4,000 homes and structures throughout California and Arizona.

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One Response

  1. It’s nice that you talked about how a GPR scan could take place anywhere between 1 week to immediately prior to your foundation repair. We are planning to repair a very old property and we want to make sure that we won’t have any problems with it. So the first step we should take is to ask for GPR scanning services.

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