As a homeowner, one of the scariest things to go through is something going on with your home and not knowing what it is or how to fix it. We come across this scenario a lot in Southern California and want you to know that you are not alone.
When a home’s foundation starts to move it can bring on a lot of stress not only with you but on your home and the amenities in your home as well. Windows and doors start to not open or close, drywall cracks appear, and floors start to shift and move. All the time you are chasing these fixes, by sanding doors to get them to close or spackling the drywall cracks that keep appearing. One thing we do know is foundations that are moving, typically don’t stop moving until they are properly fixed.
Don’t worry though, we don’t expect you to be experts in the foundation industry like our staff is, but we do want you to be educated in the processes of how to properly repair a home’s foundation permanently. We are here to guide you through the process and come up with the best solution for your home and your family’s well-being.
Foundation repair isn’t a glamorous item that people want to have done to their homes. It’s not a new kitchen or bathroom that you can show off, but it is the first step in securing your home’s foundation that will be solid for years to come.
We offer free inspections to homeowners and we will supply you with a detailed report of your home’s current foundation health. Often time, the repairs are small and can be performed on your own, but the other times we highly recommend that you hire a professional to take care of them. Any questions you have we are more than happy to answer any at any time.
How We Perform Foundation Inspections
Repairing a home’s foundation can be complicated, but we make it simple for homeowners!
Step One
The first step is performing a foundation inspection. One of our knowledgeable inspectors will draw a scaled diagram of the home and take floor elevation measurements after thoroughly inspecting the property.
Step Two
We only move to step two if an issue with the foundationdation is found during the inspection. Our inspector will design a repair plan specific to the property and the issues facing it. They’ll then provide the homeowner with a scaled CAD drawing of the home, a full report on the findings, and a suggested repair plan based on those findings.
Step Three
Pull city permits and perform the repairs designed in the repair plan. The vast majority of foundation repair projects will involve the installation of push piers or helical piers to transfer the weight of the home away from incompetent clay soils.