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How Much Does It Cost to Level a House

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Are you worried that your home’s foundation might be settling? If so, knowing how much it would cost to level your house could be an essential step in your decision-making process. There are a lot of factors that go into determining the total price tag of any given house leveling project. In this blog post, we’ll discuss house leveling, when it might be necessary, and the various house leveling techniques available, as well as provide some ballpark ranges to help give you a better idea of what you might have to pay for house leveling.

What Is House Leveling?

House leveling refers to lifting and leveling a foundation that is experiencing differential settlement, or when a foundation sinks into the ground unevenly. The foundation of a building is responsible for transferring its weight to the ground–but when the ground underneath the foundation shifts, the structure is no longer evenly supported. This results in the foundation cracking or settling, leading to misalignment manifesting in uneven floors, cracked walls, or doors and windows that don’t open and close correctly. The best way to describe differential settlement is via an illustration.

What Causes Differential Settlement?

Common causes of differential foundation settlement include problematic soil conditions, improper construction techniques, and seismic events.

Common causes of differential foundation settlement include problematic soil conditions, improper construction techniques, and seismic events.

  • Problematic soil conditions – Some soil types swell when they soak up moisture and shrink when they dry out, while others are prone to erosion. Over time, this can lead to differential settlement.
  • Improper construction techniques – Soil needs to be compacted before construction starts. If it isn’t done correctly, the structure can settle into the ground unevenly after it’s built.
  • Seismic events – Anything that causes movement under the foundation can cause differential settlement.

How Is House Leveling Performed?

Underpinning is a common repair technique contractors use to correct differential foundation settlement. This involves excavating and installing push, helical, or slab piers beneath the foundation to provide greater support and stability.

How Is House Leveling Performed

Push piers

Push piers are installed by driving steel pipes into the ground until they reach stable soil and then attaching brackets to the foundation to provide support. Once the piers are in place, the foundation is gently raised as much as possible without causing damage.

Helical piers

Helical piers look something like giant corkscrews and are turned into the ground until they reach the required depth. From here, the foundation is then gradually leveled.

Slab piers

Slab piers are push or helical piers that are installed through the slab.

Underpinning is a job that can only be done by experienced foundation repair contractors. They will determine the most effective underpinning method to remedy the foundation settlement issue and prevent further structural damage.

For more information, see our article Understanding Foundation Raising and Differential Settlement.

How Much Does It Cost to Level a House?

The cost of leveling a house varies depending on the size of the house, the severity of the foundation issue, and the specific techniques and equipment needed for the job.

On average, homeowners can expect to pay anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000 for a house leveling project. However, this estimate can be much higher for larger homes or those that have particularly complicated foundation issues. It is important to note that the cost of leveling a house can be impacted by additional expenses such as permits, inspections, and any necessary repairs or modifications to plumbing and electrical systems.

House leveling is not a “do-it-yourself” project, and hiring a professional foundation repair company is essential for ensuring a successful and safe outcome. This type of work requires specialized equipment and qualified technicians, so it is important to choose a reputable and experienced company.

While the cost to level a house can be high, it is also a necessary investment in the safety and longevity of your home. Ignoring foundation problems can lead to further structural damage, safety hazards, and decreased property value later on.

Tips on How to Prevent Foundation Problems

Foundation problems are a headache and costly to repair. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help prevent foundation issues. These include the following:

Tips On How To Prevent Foundation Problems

  • Regrade your yard – Regrading involves altering the slope of the soil around the foundation to direct groundwater away from the home. Professional contractors can help determine the appropriate slope needed for different areas of the yard, ensuring optimal drainage and preventing water from pooling near the house.
  • Install downspout extensions – These extensions are attached to the downspouts and direct the water collected by the gutters away from the foundation. Without extensions, the water from the gutters can accumulate near the foundation, leading to soggy soil and potential damage.
  • Clean gutters regularly – Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow, run down the side of the house, and soak into the ground around the foundation. Gutters should be cleaned at least twice a year or more if you live in an area with many trees and debris.
  • Install a drain tile system – A drain tile system consists of perforated pipes installed around the perimeter of the foundation at the footing level that collect excess groundwater and divert it away from the house.
  • Keep trees away from the foundation – Some trees have root systems as wide as their canopies. If the roots invade the ground under the foundation, they can cause severe damage.

By following these measures, you can help safeguard your home’s foundation from potential damage and maintain its value.

If you think your home’s foundation might have a problem, contact us today to schedule a free evaluation. If we find a problem, we’ll give you a repair estimate. We serve areas in Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada.


Brian Dalinghaus

Brian is one of the Co-Founders of Dalinghaus Construction. He has been in the foundation repair industry since 2005. During his career, he has been associated with helping over 4,000 homes and structures throughout California and Arizona.

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