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The number one question about earthquakes is not if another will happen, but when. And because earthquakes are inevitable.

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The number one question about earthquakes is not if another will happen, but when. And because earthquakes are inevitable.
Top 5 Primary Reasons for Sheetrock Cracks
Drywall cracks form primarily due to foundation settlement, foundation heave, fluctuations in temperature, humidity, and seismic activity.
sticking doors and windows
Sticky doors and windows can happen for a number of reasons, whether it be a complication of expansive soil or humidity.
crawl space
Removing and replacing the existing post and pad system secures your home’s floor foundation for years to come.
foundation repair
It is imperative to ensure your foundation repair contractor is licensed, insured, and bonded. Determine if they are qualified for the job...
floor slope
Do you seem to suffer from vertigo or believe you might have an inner-ear problem? The culprit could be sloped floors.