Arizona Foundation Repair Products

helical piers

Repairing a structure’s foundation is not just a one size fits all approach.  Numerous items are taken into consideration when we recommend a certain type of product for you home’s foundation repair project.

The items that are always taken into consideration when coming up with the best foundation repair solution are the following:

  • Type of Foundation
    • Raised Foundation
    • Slab on Grade Foundation
    • Post Tension Slab Foundation
  • Foundation Health
    • Solid – no major damage or cracking
    • Deteriorating – foundation shows signs of a loss of integrity
    • Cracked – cracks are present in the foundation
  • Weight of you Home 
    • 1 Story – Typically 1,000 pounds per linear foot
    • 2 Story – Typically 1,800 pounds per linear foot
  • Soil Type
    • Dense Clay Soils
    • Sandy Soils
    • Rocky Soils
  • Your Expectations
    • Lift Home
    • Stabilize the Home in Place

There are numerous other factors that go into recommending the best products to repair your home’s foundation, but those 5 listed above are the ones that see on every home in Arizona.  Our goal is to always come up with the best product to provide you with the best possible outcome when it comes to fixing a home’s foundation.

The most commonly used products for Foundation Repair in Phoenix

Here are the most commonly used products that Dalinghaus Construction utilizes in repairing a foundation in Arizona. These products are effective in lifting, stabilizing, and repairing a home’s foundation.

Temecula Foundation Repair
Push Piers

Push piers are highly effective and the most commonly used repair in lifting a home’s foundation.

Phoenix Hillside Repair
Helical Piers
Helical Piers are a great solution in stabilizing and lifting your home’s foundation. Helical piers are screwed into the soil and leave little to no disturbance or spoils.
Foundation Repair Products
Helical Tie-backs

Helical tie-backs are utilized to stabilize and secure your home from any lateral movement. We utilize helical tie-backs on many homes that are built on the numerous slopes in Southern California.

Man Deep Injecting Polyurethane
Polyurethane Deep Injection

Utilizing Deep Injection practices are a great repair for home’s that are just wanting to be stabilized and not experience any additional settlement.

Orange County Foundation Contractor

Why Dalinghaus

We’re a family owned and operated business that has expanded to 50+ employees and helped provide peace of mind to thousands of families across Southern California. In 2019 our team repaired 350+ foundations, while inspecting well over a thousand foundations. With over 50 years of collective experience in the construction and Orange County foundation inspection industries, our team has seen everything there is to see in the foundation repair industry.

Are you ready to learn more about what’s happening to your home’s foundation

We offer free, no-obligation foundation inspections to homeowners.

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